
At Circ we are marketers first and market researchers second. Our approach to research is heavily focussed on the end result – action.
Our goal is to always bring value to research. To translate the insight from research into strategy and then into action.
Our deliverable is not a 'Market Research De-brief', but a 'Market Insight Workshop'. What have we learnt? What are the implications?
Most importantly, what are we going to do about it?

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Our Services

Our team prides itself on conducting market research that delivers actionable results and encompasses:

  • One-on-one interviews

  • Focus groups

  • Quantitative research


delivery of our findings

The outcome for our clients is superior insight and best application. To us a dusty market research report is a sin. To us, the best market research reports are dog-eared, grimy and crumpled – or in the soft copy world – documents with a last opened date of two hours ago.

We facilitate market research projects with action as the end in mind. Our persistence demands that the process is followed through to action and that we are not consigning another report to the dusty pile.

Images by Johanna Buguet, Tim Gouw and Dylan Gillis on Unsplash